Category Archives: Observations

Strategic Lessons from Cleaning My Fridge

Among my life and work priorities, refrigerator management ranked low on the list. After all, a refrigerator was just a simple self-contained system to keep food cold. Food goes in, gets chilled, comes out, gets cooked and eaten.  Never did I imagine that this big humming box of cold could offer life-changing lessons in the way it recently …

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My car won’t start after I buy vanilla ice cream! HELP ME FIGURE OUT WHY.

The following story, once shared on PBS by the Car Talk  brothers Click and Clack, turned out to be an urban legend.  But I’ve rewritten the story to engage you in solving the puzzle and offering a valuable lesson in strategic thinking. The story supposedly involves “Fred” complaining to Ford Headquarters that his car won’t …

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Rediscover Your Life Mission

During the winter of 1986, I attended a personal transformation program  called The Wall in a remote forest campground near Seattle. That experience changed my life. Two dozen inner-explorers gathered for deep discussion and reflection, then each crafted their life mission statement. Later I had mine engraved onto a bronze plaque that hung on my office wall for …

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